Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lazy Saturday Afternoon

It is a very rare experience when I find myself with an entirely free day. No obligations, no specific plans, nothing holding me down or back. Today is one of those days, and it has been FANTASTIC so far. Interestingly enough, I always feel the need to set my alarm, even if there is absolutely no reason for me to be up at a reasonable hour. I inevitably end up pressing snooze multiple times, which defies the purpose of setting my alarm in the first place... Oh the things I do merely for the sake of doing them. Despite my slightly late start this morning, I've been on a mission to get a lot accomplished. While most people think of weekends as a time to sit on the couch and watch television, I consider the fact that the weekends are really the only time I have to do anything other than work, which makes me want to take advantage of them and accomplish as many "non-work" tasks as possible. Ironically, I usually do a significant amount of house work, but I actually find it to be relaxing. Or at least I find that I can relax much more in a clean house than in a dirty one. So after thoroughly cleaning my car, both inside and out, and cleaning up a bit around the house, I decided to practice the discipline of relaxation by laying out in the backyard and drawing. The way I see it, although laying out is a rather lazy thing to do, I was simultaneously working on my tan and exploring my artistic side. Multitasking during a lazy activity makes me feel much more accomplished. I ended up having a lengthy phone conversation with a friend, which means I didn't get any drawing done. But now that I'm back in the clean (and ever so relaxing) house, it's time to get started on my next masterpiece. I'm fully enjoying the lack of obligations and activities of the day, and am beginning to think that there may be some merit in succumbing to laziness every once in a while.

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