Friday, July 30, 2010

Recent Ponderings

Over the years, I have discovered that my deepest and most spiritual moments have taken place in nature. Whether I'm hiking through the alps, searching for sand dollars on the beach or laying in a field staring up at the stars, I experience an indescribable sense of peace- a connection with both creation and creator. Despite my constant doubts, the times when my faith seems to fail me and I question the purpose behind life itself, I cannot ignore the feeling that there is so much more than what meets the eye. Beyond the physical realm, there must exist a more powerful force or being that gives order to the chaos and reason to the inexplicable. Regardless of the scientific arguments and political rhetoric that claim to explain life as a mere series of random events, I believe without reservation that there is a level of divinity that exists beyond human comprehension. One can take a relativist stance, but if there is indeed a supreme being who rules over the universe, it seems to me that [His] existence and sovereignty are an absolute truth, regardless of one's personal perception and experience. If a blind man argues that the sky is green, does that make the sky green? My point with all of this (if I have one) is that creation itself speaks of a creator, and if there is a creator, is [He] not creator, and therefore Lord of all?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, as I by no means have this figured out.

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