Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Runner's Legs

I recently joined a gym!!! This is a big deal for me. I've never been a gym person, and this is my first gym membership ever. I usually just run outside, but I live in Philly now, and Philly gets cold during the winter. I prefer not to cough up blood after my runs.

So I went to the gym after work today to sweat off some calories. I started with a 3 mile run, followed by stretching and some other random exercises. There are so many different machines to choose from, and I don't know how to use all of them, so I get a little overwhelmed at times. Sometimes I pretend to be stretching when I'm really reading the machine instructions. One of the machines that I decided to try works out the butt. This is one of my problem areas. Perfect. You stand with your chest against a pad and push your legs (one at a time) back. Don't forget to clench! As I was mastering this machine, I thought to myself that the guy working out on the machine behind me had quite the view. Whatever. I'm at the gym for a reason, so he can deal. And deal he did!

After a minute, he moved to the machine next to me. I finished up my exercises and started wiping down the machine. He decided to strike up a conversation with me that went something like this:

Guy: Do you run track? 
Me: No. I should, but I don't. 
Guy: Well then you must play sports. 
Me: No. I did when I was in school, but now I work. I sit on my ass all day. 
Guy: (Chuckles) It doesn't look like you sit on your ass all day. 
Me: Gag. 

Did I mention that he was black? HAHAHA.

1 comment:

  1. This. Is. Amazing. Have I not been telling you for the past couple of years how you are a black man's dream come true?
