"Chuckles the Banana" is an amalgamation of two nicknames that I have assumed over the years. I think it does a fantastic job of capturing the inner child in me that I hope to hold onto forever. This blog is an attempt to share my adventures with you, whether through my travels, through art, or through contemplative thought on various and random topics. I hope that I can be an inspiration to you in some way, but if I don't succeed in that, perhaps I can at least provide a bit of entertainment.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Like the winter snow melts into springtime blooms, and the summer greens turn to golden hues; so do seasons of life transform in but a moment.
Being a native of southern California, seasons weren't something that I grew up with. I remember being a freshman in college and being overly excited when I saw the first frozen puddle in October. My delight carried through the first snowfall--during which I went sledding on borrowed cafeteria trays--and possibly the second, though it quickly faded when I realized that being perpetually cold wasn't actually as enjoyable as I had anticipated. It did, however, provide an excuse to purchase an entirely new wardrobe. My delight returned with the first blossoms of spring, and I was equally enthralled with the bold, deep colors of fall. While some are more pleasant than others, seasons are interconnected- intricately strung together by divine hands.
There's something beautiful about seasons. They bring change- often anticipated, sometimes surprising. This most recent season in my life came unexpectedly, like a cool breeze on a hot afternoon. What seemed like a monotonous reality turned into a pleasant dream, which then turned into a pleasant reality. From time to time, it still feels like a dream, but it's isn't. It's a gift. It's a long-await gift that I dared to hope for, after what seemed like an eternity of drought. I felt forgotten, left behind. Still, I moved forward, though the cynic in me grew and the hope in me diminished.
But God has this way of blowing my mind when I least expect it and most need it. I discovered this years ago, and I'm still discovering it today. New country, new community. New relationship. He knew all along, even when I didn't. Especially when I didn't. All of the details that worked together to open the doors to where I am now are evidence of his intimate involvement and abundant grace. Undeserved grace. A gift.
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