This absolutely epitomizes cliche, but as the year draws to a close, nothing seems more appropriate than to do some reflecting. Sometimes I get so caught up in the minutes and the seconds that I fail to see the bigger picture- how the minutes connect to the days, and how the days connect to the years. A lot has happened this year. It's been a good year. A hard year. A year full of adventure and joy, sadness and pain. Change. I turned 26. I spent ten days exploring Portugal. I applied to grad school, quit my job, and moved to the UK to pursue my masters. Big changes. Sometimes the hardest part about change is the decision to make it. Other times, it's more challenging to adjust to the change.
I'm learning and re-learning a lot about myself in this process, about my strengths and my weaknesses, my hopes and my fears. And I'm reminded again and again of God's faithfulness, especially in my most challenging times. I'm thankful for those times. I think. Because they push me outside of my comfort zone and force me to face my fears and to grow. At least that's the goal. There are a lot of uncertainties going into 2014. More changes to come, undoubtedly. As I anticipate those changes, I look to the One who does not change. Therein lies my certainty- a lesson I am continually learning.