Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What 5' 2" Gets You

We ran out of creamer at the office today, and I knew I would be needing a second cup of coffee in the afternoon, so I decided to swing by the grocery store during my lunch break and pick some up. Generally, we get the regular creamer. But not today. I walked to the refrigerator section of the store and found what I was looking for. It was on the top shelf, and there were only two left, which means they were all the way in the back. Despite standing on my tip toes in my 2 inch heels, there was no way I was going to reach the back. I very briefly considered climbing onto the first shelf for a boost, but came to my senses and realized that I'm 23 years old and really shouldn't be doing things like that anymore. Then I glanced around to see if there were any tall shoppers around who would be willing to help a shorty out, but there was no one in sight. So I grabbed the fat-free version, which was one shelf lower and within my reach. No big deal, and it's clearly the healthier option. I just found it interesting that my options were automatically limited due to my height.

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