Little did I know when I woke up yesterday morning that I would be the victim of a Mary Kay makeover and consultation session. Had I known this, I would have stayed in bed.
It was a normal day. I cringed when my alarm clock went off and waited my turn to jump in the shower. I got to work and shuffled papers around to pretend I was busy. Ok, that part is a lie. I was actually busy, but not too busy to grab lunch with one of my lovely lady friends. I always look forward to our lunches together. This lunch was particularly special, because she told me about a "free makeover session" that she had been invited to by another friend. She asked if I wanted to join, and since I didn't have any plans for the evening, I reluctantly said yes, not knowing what I was getting myself into.
We weren't really sure what to expect, since we didn't have any details. I was hoping for a haircut and some major skin rejuvenation. But when we pulled up to the place and saw that the car in front of us had a
Mary Kay sticker on it, we knew we were doomed. This is exactly what we were dreading. No haircut for me. So we plastered smiles onto our faces and walked into the party, leaving our wallets in the car lest we be guilted (or tempted) into buying anything. The table was set up with 5 mirrors and little makeup kits, ready to be used.
We all sat down at the table, ready to get this over with (I mean, for the fun to begin). The Mary Kay consultant started explaining what each squirt of liquid on our makeup pallets was for, and then demonstrated how we were to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and apply makeup to our faces. There were about 12 steps in total, a bit above average for my daily makeup routine. During her demonstration, she proceeded to explain how necessary it is that we all start using these age-defying products now, because it's much easier to prevent our faces from aging than to repair them once we look like grandmothers. I was enlightened on the fact that once I turned 18, my skin started to age, and that by the time I'm in my 50s, all the color will be gone from my lips and cheeks, and I'll essentially be gray, which will, of course, require that I use even more Mary Kay products. How convenient for Mary Kay.
Some of the products that we sampled. |
After we gave ourselves the makeovers (definitely not as fun as having someone else give you one), we each had to meet with the consultant to discuss any questions we had or to order any products we were interested in. I passed on both accounts. Sorry, but my
Dave Ramsey budget (I'll have to write a blog on that experience) just won't allow for the purchase of any more makeup this month.
On our way back from the makeover party, my girlfriend and I could not stop laughing at how ridiculous the whole thing was. The makeup she had given me to use was the wrong shade, so my face looked at least 4.3 times darker than the rest of my body. Not my best look. Thankfully, I was going home to bed and did not need to show my face to anyone but the bunnies. They seemed to take it ok.
I survived my first (and last) Mary Kay makeup consultancy, leaving with the same amount of money in my wallet as I came with. Not too shabby, but certainly not how I would spend a typical Wednesday evening.
*To all you Mary Kay lovers out there: I'm not trying to hate on you. I wear makeup just like anyone else. The difference is that I don't throw parties to celebrate it. :)