Monday, December 31, 2012

Writer's Block

Writer's block, by definition, is "a condition, primarily associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work." (Wikipedia)

I think I have it. It's been over six months since I've written a blog. Correction: it's been over six months since I've completed and posted a blog. It's not for lack of ideas, because I've started quite a few. 45, to be exact. I've started 45 blogs but have not gotten them past the draft stage. Some are simply a title, an attempt to capture a profound idea that floated through my mind on a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday evening. Others are words, paragraphs, sentence fragments that begin to delve into that profound idea but fail to offer any brilliant discoveries, conclusive evidence, or clever witticisms that would deem the blog worthy publication. This leaves me with jokes without punchlines and stories without endings. Not much for entertainment.

My inability to produce leads to frustration, which leads to apathy, which circles back around to more frustration. It's a vicious cycle, really. The desire is there, but the creativity, dedication, and follow through aren't, at least at the moment. Perhaps I'm uninspired, or even more credibly, perhaps I've been afraid to write, afraid to be vulnerable, to open up my thoughts again, to offer an opinion, to believe that I have something worth sharing. It's a challenge to regain confidence after losing it, but it's a process worth pursuing. So for all (read 13) of my dedicated followers, I'm going to attempt writing again. Soon. You'll have to let me know how it goes.

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