Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I stumbled upon a book at Urban Outfitters a couple months back called "F*CK! I'M IN MY TWENTIES." I immediately identified and felt like that adequately explains a lot of things. Oh, roller coaster decade. Sinking and swimming. Valleys and mountains. Deserts and green pastures. Lots of learning and growing. Painful experiences that lead to more learning and growing. Seeing glimpses of glory, or at least faithfulness.

Twenty-five, a pivotal year in the decade, was very much characterized by the twists and turns, climbing and dropping, flipping of a roller coaster. I came out on top, though winded, having developed the machinery that keeps the train on the track--even when everything is turned upside down. Determination. Grace. Perseverance. Hope. Strength. The little engine that could. The view from the top was beautiful and fulfilling, and yet I saw in the horizon more mountains to be climbed and more valleys to face. Twenty-six.

It's only one more than twenty-five, and yet it seems so much older. So much more mature. It solidified my teetering on the fence of adulthood. I'm here, whether I like it or not. Where's the panic button? Actually, and surprisingly, the panic has been minimal. I've had a few months to settle into twenty-six, and I think I'm filling its shoes. Certainly, I have my days when I wonder how I got here and what it's all supposed to look like, but more and more, I'm understanding that it looks exactly the way it's supposed to. On this journey of learning how to live more fully and deeply where I am, I made some goals for myself this year. Most of them aren't anything magical or life-changing, but they're part of what I want twenty-six to look like.

-Blog at least two times per month
-Take an international trip 
-Pursue photography more
-Laugh more
-Give myself more grace
-Read at least six books
-Practice thankfulness on a daily basis

-It's May, and this is my third blog. I'm a bit behind.
-International trip booked. Leaving for Portugal this weekend. 
-All of my photography money was spent on purchasing extra memory cards for trip.
-All day, every day. Not really, but I think I have this one covered.
-Giving myself grace as I learn how to give myself grace.
-Finishing up my third book. Ahead of the game and loving it. Next on the list: Great Gatsby, Chasing Daylight, Blue Like Jazz, In Pursuit of God, Bossy Pants, Behind the Beautiful Forever.
-Thankful that there's grace for days when I don't feel thankful for anything.

In other news, twenty-six-year-old Anna still can't parallel park or use chopsticks. I suppose some things will never change. :)

How to tie this all in? The twenties are crazy. Crazy awesome. Crazy horrible. Crazy confusing. Part of the journey is learning how to navigate the crazy as effectively as possible, while still pursuing the things in life that are important to me. Let me know if you find a shortcut.

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